By putting in a little extra effort you can make a little more cash. What used car dealers and car salvage companies do is to farm used and salvaged cars for parts. It is normally repaired and sold for a profit, or your car will be dismantled and the good parts be used to spruce up other cars that have damaged or defective parts. So why not do the deed yourself and make a little more cash with a little effort. Get a mechanic to check the car for parts and get an estimate of the value of the parts based on the condition.
Build a wood frame that is 3′ on wood side and width of your door on the other. The 3′ side will be the depth of your potting table. (modify it as you desire depending on how much work area you desire for your planting creations). The side that matches the width of your door will be the area that you mount the frame to the door. Your frame will be made with the 2×4’s on their side, secured at the ends with 2 screws into each connection point.
If you want the best match, you should look to your car dealer first for a proper OEM tire. You’ll be sure to get a perfect replacement that way. You’ll find them to be pretty expensive there though – often running more than a normal tire!
If a particular junk car donation does not happen to have the part you are looking for that day, they can make a search through a computer network especially for junkyards and locate that part in seconds.
Or say you’re driving an old car that you’re waiting for it to finally bite the dust. So it’s finally gotten to the point that she’s ready to be retired. These services will take your old banged up vehicle to the scrap yard of your choice. If you are new to the area or just don’t know where the nearest scrap yard is, then take the car to said scrap yard. There’s no hassle or trouble for you.
The internet has opened the doors to the international buyers market for goods and services around the world. Tax lien certificates are a perfect example of this 21st century investing arena.
What cannot be used, like aluminum, is compressed and sold when the prices is right. Hubcaps are sold for very little and the same goes for batteries.
With recessionary times around, your local Auto Wrecking Yard has never been a better place to help you save hundreds of dollars on auto repairs. You can find numerous Auto Salvage yards in your state to help you find the parts you need to fit your vehicle.
Find your car title — Before you can scrap your car, you’ll need to find your car title. No salvage yard will take your car without one that you’ll sign over to them. If your title is missing, you’ll need to contact your DMV to issue a new one. Fill out the proper forms and pay the fee.
Making money through pick up trucks would become even easier if you have magnets. Use those magnets to attract those scrap metals. If these metals stick to the magnet, then it means that the metal is steel. If it doesn’t then it means it is aluminum. Do not go down the streets and try to check each and every dustbin that you come across. Such behavior will not only look cheap but it will also be unlawful.